In the second movie of the three part series, we see what takes place after Tony Stark reveals himself to the world as Iron Man. Other countries have attempted to replicate the Iron Man suit, but have failed in every single attempt. Tony makes the claim that no other country comes close with the technology to make an Iron Man suit, but the audience soon finds out that a Russian engineer has already developed the technology for his own version of an Iron Man suit.

We are introduced to Ivan Vanko, whose father worked with Tony Stark’s father in developing the arc reactor. Vanko believes that Stark has stolen the invention of his father, and he begins this pursuit to try and kill Tony with his new invention.

In this movie, we also begin to see the relationship that Tony had with his father Howard. Tony was not fond of his father because he was always busy with his work and did not commit to his son. Tony later understands that although his father never communicated with him, he did love him. His projects were all built so that Tony could see the importance of his work, and continue impacting the world with the technology that would later be available to Tony.

Although Howard Stark is dead, he still impacts Tony’s life, and in fact helps save his life. The arc reactor that powers the suit and keeps Tony alive is also killing him. It isn’t until he finds an old video of his father, that Tony realizes his dad was looking after him, and discovers the cure to his illness. Tony is able to build a new and stronger arc reactor for his chest which cures him and also gives his suit more power. At the end of the film, Nick Furry and Tony Stark are in a meeting talking about the Avengers Initiative, the plan to bring a team of heroes together to help fight off super villains of the world and of the galaxy.

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